Great futures are built
with a small charity

We aim to improve retention and school completion by developing support for learners, parents, and educators in Mali and beyond.

Make someone’s life
by giving of yours

We aim to build cross-sector collaboration to identify and address learning loss, developing research to share with low-resource, crisis, and climate-affected communities to advance education in these settings.

We Listen, We Advice

We Work Together

We support better learning outcomes by working closely with leaners, parents, and educators to improve education in low-resource settings. We have an increased focus on improving retention and completion rates of schools in particular areas with high challenges due to limited education infrastructure and manpower


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Education For The Children

We aim to build cross-sector collaboration to identify and address learning loss, developing research to share with low-resource, crisis, and climate-affected communities to advance education in these settings.

Raised: $195.00
Goal: $300.00

Partnerships / Collaborations

Highlight any partnerships or collaborations with other organizations, schools, or government agencies. Emphasize the importance of working together to achieve shared goals.


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Happy People Says

Abdallahi Ould Mohamed
Founder & Executive Director

Abdallahi has over a decade of experience in private and non-profit sectors. He started his career with the Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies (SEED) a Stanford GSB-led initiative that’s working to end the cycle of global poverty. For the past 8 years, he has been active in the agriculture sector where he has developed an interest in helping small-scale farmers to grow more food with climate-smart approaches. He has a degree from the United States International University – Africa as a MasterCard Foundation scholar.

Co-Founder, Global Partnerships Director

Jennifer has over a decade of experience designing, implementing, and evaluating education, youth development, and sustainable livelihoods programs in over a dozen countries. She has collaborated with the private sector, government, UN agencies, media, academia, and foundations including Visa, New York University, AAAS, UNESCO, and more. She possesses Dual Master’s Degrees from the American University in Paris and is a Research Fellow at Media Discourse Centre in the U.K.

Dr. Akala Beatrice
Professor University of Wits, South Africa

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